Sunday, December 20, 2009


So, I've been working on a painting that deals with a creature who punishes naughty children (Krampus), and it inspired me to do a sketch of another creature of consequence... the Kelpie.

For those unfamiliar, the Kelpie was a supernatural water horse from Celtic folklore that was believed to haunt the rivers and lochs of Scotland and Ireland.  The scenario would play out something like this: a child is lured onto the Kelpie's back, where once astride, the Kelpie's skin would become adhesive.  At that point the Kelpie would gallop full speed back into the murky depths of the water, where its victim would then be drown and devoured.

Moral of the story?  Things are not always as they seem...?  Or, maybe it was simply to say that kids should come in before dark and not play around bodies of water by themselves.  Seems like a scary story to tell children, but then again... most folk tales are a bit gruesome.  At any rate, they make for some fun sketch ideas.


Tracy Flynn Art said...

nice motion on the horse

could also be where the phrase
"a sticky situation" comes from as well

Jennifer Kearney said...


patrick said...

Love it! The drawing and the folktale remind me of my first trip to Cali way back when. Clay Cocke's cousin put me on the "Kelpie," who then proceeded to break into full run, me stuck to its back, and ending up at a pond! Darn that "Kelpie." Scared the bejesus out of this 13-year-old. Keep it up J...

Jennifer Kearney said...

Thanks, Pat! You know, I think anyone who has been around horses has, at some time or another, had your "kelpie" experience - myself included. I never had the luxury of landing in a pond, though! LOL! I've been dumped a few times, especially during the years when I was training horses. It never stopped me from riding, though. They are just too much fun, and I'm a bit of a tomboy, so a little pain, bruising or broken bones never stopped me. :P

patrick said...

Yeah, you got that right. My aunt who has been training top horses and riders for 60+ hours a week for decades now just got a broken arm from a horse kick. If Aunt Pattie who has trained the likes of Robert Redford for the Horse Whisperer can still get "broken," anyone can :-Do you still ride?

Jennifer Kearney said...

Wow! Your Aunt gave Robert Redford riding lessons?! That's very cool! I thought he already knew how to ride? I'm sorry to hear she got hurt. Guess that just comes with the territory, no matter how long your at it.

I ride when I can, but sadly when I started going to college, I wasn't able to do much riding... just not enough time in the day. And now that I'm working on building my art career post-college, I still don't have the time. They played such a huge role in my life for so many years, that it still is weird to not have them in my life right now. I really miss it, too. :(

Someday soon, though, I plan to own horses again. In the meantime, I enjoy drawing and painting them.