Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Random doodle

A quick doodle I did today on the back of a scrap piece of paper (didn't have my sketchbook on me - gasp!).  Oh, well... it was only about 8-10 minutes worth of drawing so...  

This is one of those random moments when something just needed to come out and say hi, so I found the nearest piece of paper and started playing.  Capricorn is not my sign, but who cares... it was fun to sketch out.


Tracy Flynn Art said...

Those end up being some of the coolest things we ever do, those random sketch moments when we are unprepared and scramble for paper and pen!!!

Very cool piece

Jennifer Kearney said...

Hahaha, so true! Thank you, Tracy. :)

sheldon said...

i like the picture you drawn. you did that in 10 mins wow! that take me couple hours to do. could you draw more capicorn pics?